Features and Benefits

Deep customization
Powerful system customization mechanism based on visual constructors. In our system you don’t have to be programmer to change even complex features of business-logic or interfaces. All the system components could be modified for every single group of users.

High processing speed
High performance online transaction engine able to proceed up to 12 000 financial authorization transactions per second. Back-end accounting postings engine can proceed up to 10 000 transactions per second jointly creating 2-3 account postings per transaction with update related contracts balances at the same time.

Pre-configured business-logic
We have a lot of predefined configurations for various financial sectors: banking, retail, marketplaces, investment etc. All that configurations could be customized according to your needs. Also, we are providing reporting service for regulators of your business with a lot of ready-made reports.

Technically skilled
In our system we are using newest technologies as at server-side logic either in front-end solution. Performing batch transaction processing mechanism where it could be applied using latest Oracle parallelization features, gives us ability to provide extremely high-performance transaction processing.

Availability and reliability for financial sector software one of the most important issues. Our DBP platform providing 24/7 service both through software architectural solutions (independent versions of BPM-models with nonstop switching between them) and through the use of latest features of third-party software (Oracle DataGuard and GoldenGate, Docker Swarm etc.).

First, our product needs low server capacity to operate. Saving funds on hardware is important. Even if you purchase license on one of our modules you are getting full stack of our solution, and future implementation of another system modules does not need reinstallation of the system. We have various support plans to satisfy any kind of customer.
System modules
Our system is end-to-end solution to support full stack of business processes of financial institution. It’s consists of different modules responsible for different parts and aspects of business. All of that modules could be implemented separately of as all in one.
Back Office
Product factory and account postings engine.
- Product factory with deeply customizable parameters.
- Big directory of predefined products (loan agreements, cards, deposits etc.) both for individuals and for legal entities.
- General lager functionality. Account postings and contract balances accounting.
Account Processing
Online payments and balances processing
- Fast, based on BPM (with compiling to native PL/SQL code), transaction processing and processes routing mechanism.
- Independent instant switching between BPM model versions for 24/7 system availability.
- Contracts online balance holding with postsync with back-office accounts balances.
Marketing & Loyality
Object grouping and campaign management
- Grouping of any type of objects (clients, contracts, accounts etc.) based on customizable criteria constructor.
- Marketing campaigns with different types of activities (mailing , fee charge, individual offers).
- Loyalty agreements linked to contracts. Bonus point or any other virtual currency accounts.
Development environment and web-client
- Own front-end visual development module fully integrated with DBP back-end solution. WYSIWYG mode both on fat and web interface of constructor.
- Latest JS technologies and frameworks for unified and sharply looking interfaces in any web-browser include mobile devices.
- Integrated own BPM engine and integration layer for external systems.
Smart ESB
Enterprise Service Bus and customizable API
- Automated uploading external data source specifications (XSD, JSON etc.) and auto creating data sources based on specifications.
- Comfortable mapping system between internal and external data sources.
- Custom commands creating and editing via module interfaces. Easy connection of commands to channels for interaction with external systems.
Online DWH
Data Warehouse with adjustable showcases
- Custom views for online access to data. Nested showcase elements with reuse option in other models.
- Scheduled or event triggered materialization of custom views for fast access from external systems.
- Showcases repository with version control and instant switching between versions. Fast loading and fast data access.
Implementation and Support
Our implementation politics is to run fully prepared software installation with all working integration circuits. We are providing training courses during implementation period. We have guarantee period for using our software on production profile.
Support programs are different and depends on client needs. Of course, we have 24/7 call center and may even provide outstaff support for your business. Our customers may choose what kind of support options they’d like to obtain and use.
We are ready to cooperate
Good experience in financial sector software developing. Numbers of success implementations. Good customer attitude.
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